Elisabeth Ballet
Sortilèges – Elisabeth Ballet



1% artistique de l’Université de Nantes (Campus du Tertre)
« I stretched cords from bell tower to bell tower;
garlands from window to window;
golden chains from star to star, and I dance.»
With this miniature poem by Arthur Rimbaud deployed on the roofs of the Faculty of Letters in Nantes, Elisabeth Ballet creates an immense scene that evokes a runway and suggests the portrait of the poet as a rope dancer. This dream of takeoff, carried by vibrant words linked to breath, respiration, its cadences, and rhythms, fits into the multiple perspectives of the campus rehabilitated to greet the infinite openness to the world.
Commissioned by: University of Nantes
Production: Eva Albarran & Co
Realization: Métalobil
© Photo by Fanny Trichet
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