Galvaniser, Hicham Berrada : 1% for the arts ENSIACET Toulouse

1% for arts – ENSIACET in Toulouse
Autumn 2016
The phenomenon on which this work is based is that of the galvanic couples: when two metals are in contact, their corrosion is modified. The electrochemical current flowing between them has an effect on the less noble metal, which corrodes less rapidly while the noblest metal remains spared.
These columns are composed of different strata of metals, among those likely to compose galvanic couples. Their diameter is equivalent to the standard carrots, these mineral samples directly taken from the ground, to remind their origin and their mineral origin: the man has extracted these minerals, sorted them to purify the material, and arranged them.
The whole installation is conceived as an experiment whose starting conditions are set before observing what results from it. The work thus evokes both the transformation of matter and energy, by the electrochemical currents consciously implemented which slowly modify the state of matter. Thus, the iron particles of the columns, eroding and returning to the earth will feed the plant forms that develop there.